Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Kampala, Uganda - Civil society organizations across Africa call on their leaders attending the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to be held in New York from 16 September to 1st October 2014 to aim higher for a truly transformative development agenda beyond 2015 that puts people and the planet at the centre. 

In 2000, the world leaders agreed on a set of 8 goals for reducing poverty and inequality by 2015: The UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). As we near the expiration date for these goals, it is clear that the world is now a very different place to when the MDGs were designed: the number of people living in extreme poverty has fallen in every developing region, including sub-Saharan Africa (UN DESA), climate change impacts are being felt around the world, inequality is on the rise and economic crises are still hurting many. Much remains to be done to create an equitable and sustainable world where every person is safe, lives well, and enjoys their human rights, and where political and economic systems deliver well-being for all people within the limits of our planet’s resources. 

Kimbowa Richard from Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development said: “This September, we have a once in a generation opportunity to achieve change and raise the level of ambition for a truly transformative post-2015 agenda which puts people and the planet at the centre and tackle climate change issues. The United Nations General Assembly will see Governments of the world meet to discuss what should be on the 2015 development agenda. This event is a unique occasion for us to ensure that the global agenda is not defined without an African input and make sure that climate change is not ignored.” With the clear increase in the number of extreme weather events worldwide, there is no more doubt about the impact of climate change on poverty reduction, with many developing countries still dependent on agri­culture and climate-sensitive natural resources, and lacking the capacities to manage climate risks. Climate change threatens the achievement of other Sustainable Development Goals and may even reverse gains already made with the MDGs. Beyond 2015 and Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development are calling on the world’s leaders to establish new goals that reflect the reality of the world we now live in, focus our efforts on making a better world for everyone through to 2030 and address climate change issues.

To achieve meaningful and transformative change not only requires an ambitious and common framework which can mobilise governments, civil society, parliaments, businesses, and most importantly, PEOPLE; but also a real commitment from governments and decision-makers.

So, as the drumbeat builds, what is it that people around the world want from these post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals?

Beyond2015, a campaign by over 1000 civil society organisations in more than 130 countries, including more than 300 CSOs in Africa, and Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development have joined with others to find out. Local, national, regional and global deliberations, coupled with long term participatory research by those most affected by poverty and injustice, have shown us that there is a strong consensus on wanting a strong and legitimate framework that:

  • Is capable of powerfully challenging inequality, poverty, environmental destruction and climate change;
  • Recognises that peace, stability and human rights are crucial to achieving equality and dignity;
  • Leaves no one behind;
  • Does not demand impossible choices of the poorest and most vulnerable;
  • Provides hope;
  • Recognises and strengthens the networks that hold people together.

Thus, Beyond 2015 and Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development call on our leaders at the UN General Assembly to ensure that people everywhere around the world are given the ability to influence and impact on the decisions that affect their lives and to listen to the voices of the people and support their involvement in the design, implementation and monitoring of these new goals that will shape sustainable development for over a decade to come. The challenge begins NOW!

Notes to Editors

  1. Beyond 2015 is a global civil society campaign, pushing for a strong and legitimate successor framework to the Millennium Development Goals. The campaign, created in 2010, is built on a diverse, global base. It ranges from small community based organisations to international NGOs, academics and trade unions. A founding principle of the campaign is that it is a partnership between civil society organisations from the ‘North’ and the ‘South’ – bringing together groups from developing, emerging and developed economies. The campaign brings together more than 1000 civil society organisations from around the world. Beyond 2015 Africa is made up of civil society organisations across Africa, and is one branch of the global Beyond 2015 campaign. The Beyond 2015 campaign in Africa is coordinated by UWASNET. UWASNET’s objective in this role is to coordinate advocacy work around post-2015 across Africa and to ensure that as many organizations as possible are able to fully participate in the post-2015 processes.
  2. Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development is a member of the Beyond 2015 Campaign. UCSD is a network of more than 40 Ugandan NGOs dedicated to coordinate advocacy and lobby work around issues and commitments made by world governments towards sustainable development
For more information and interviews please contact:
Balkissa Ide Siddo, Regional Coordinator Africa – Beyond 2015: bide@uwasnet.org
